Saturday, October 10, 2009

English Meeting

393rd FADIG Meeting
Saturday, Oct 10, 2009, 2:30-4:30pm
Kansai College of Business & Languages
by Ms. Odia Vassell
Program : Foreign Trivia And English Activities Day!

Ms. Vassell is from Boston, Massachusetts in USA, where she
studied electronic engineering and trained as an ESL instructor.
She came to Japan in Sep. 2004, and has taught at
over 30 English language schools and business corporations.
She is currently teaching at a trading company.
This is her third lecture for us: Her last one in June was about
“The World of English Language Schools”.

Dear members,
We would like to collect our membership fee \2,000 for the second
half of this year in October. (Our annual fee is \4,000.)

Friday, October 02, 2009

love and peace

When we want to know about love, we should see opposite of love.
If you don't know love ,there is no peace.
We sometimes protect ourselves by fighting, words.
We compete with someone,but we have to have peace inside of us.
How to act?
We think, act ,feel at the same time.Observe head, emotion and body.
We need to observe the fear for peace.
World is what we are.
(Yoga in English.10.2.2009)