Monday, April 09, 2007

Yoga in English

Yoga in English(4/10-6/26)
At Shinsaibashi(Osaka) ,Cafe "C Flat"
Yoga teacher is Peruvian,Rudy.Let's study Yoga in English.
Date:April-class.4/10 (19:45~20:45) 
(6 class:4/10,4/24,5/15,5/29,6/12,6/26 on Tuesday)Same course of January-class
Place:at Cafe "C Flat"no admission(1 class 1,800yen)/(3 months(6-class)9,000yenWhen you miss a class,no repayment,give you a note nexttime,thanks)
①4/10YOGA : Breathing, Relaxation Basic Concepts:Tibetan Yoga(12 different poses)
②4/24:Power Yoga Mantra: Science of Sounds (sounds making has positive effects on the body) Stress, Chakra, Body Balance
③5/15: Dream Yoga (This yoga has specific results on the mind and nerves system. ) Relaxation, rest, meditation.
④5/29:Mind Yoga (Improves relationships,understanding of oneself...and more. )
⑤6/12: Karma yoga (understanding your life how to change karma, how karma works.)
⑥6/26: Samadhi Yoga ( deep meditation the steps to and how to meditate, what to meditate on.)
We start the class on April 10th.Join us and have a good time!
(18:30~19:30 Spanish class 1,500yen)
HP :

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.